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Setting up a FreeBSD server for Freeside

1. Install FreeBSD. - Do the complete install from CD.

a. Insert Freebsd CD & boot to CD

b. Select “Custom”

c. Select “Partition”

d. Use “D” to Delete any existing partitions

e. Use “C” to Create slices (this is just the drive, use one slice)

f. Use “Q” to save & exit

g. Select “BootMgr”

h. Select “Label”

i. Use “C” to create partitions

j. Setup swap partition first (2 x RAM) – use “m” at end of number to denote mb

k. Select “swap” as partition type

l. Setup other partitions – mount point for OS is “/”

m. Use “Q” to save & finish

n. Select “Distributions”

o. Select “All”

p. Select “Yes”

q. Select “Exit”

r. Select “Media”

s. Select “CD/DVD”

t. Select “Commit”

u. Select “Yes”

v. Select “No”

w. Select “Exit”

x. Select “X”

y. Select “Yes” & remove CD

2. Configure the server

a. adduser “adduser” (set up a user for use later so you don’t have to log into root everytime)

b. set root password “passwd”

c. Edit the rc.conf in etc

i. hostname=”boxname.your.domain”

ii. ifconfig_fxp0=” netmask”

iii. defaultrouter=””

iv. inetd_enable=”YES”

v. sshd_enable=”YES”

vi. keyrate=”fast”

vii. update_motd=”NO”

viii. kern_securelevel_enable=”NO”

ix. usbd_enable=”YES”

x. syslogd_flags=”-s”

xi. sendmail_enable=”NONE”

xii. apache22_enable=”YES”

xiii. postgresql_enable=”YES”

d. Enable root ssh logon

i. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow root login by changing to yes and unremarking line

e. “cd /etc”

f. “vi resolv.conf”

i. domain your.domain

ii. nameserver

g. reboot

h. portsnap fetch

i. portsnap extract

3. Perl is already installed with Freebsd, use existing install (Satisfies Freeside install step 1.)

4. Install Apache

a. “cd /usr/ports/www/apache22”

b. “make && make install” (use defaults for any gui)

c. “vi usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf”

i. Listen IP:Port

ii. ServerAdmin

iii. ServerName your.servername:80

iv. Reboot

5. Step two of Freeside install instructions almost completed, set up ssl later.

6. Install the cpan bundle & Apache bundle

a. “perl –MCPAN –e shell; “

b. type “no“

c. “install Bundle::CPAN“ (watch error messages at end has taken as many as 7 times to get full load)

d. “reload cpan“

e. “install Bundle::Apache2”

f. “quit”

7. Install mod_perl – first download the latest mod_perl to one of your ftp servers

a. “mkdir /home/youruserfromstep2a/programs”

b. “cd /home/ youruserfromstep2a /programs”

c. “ftp yourftpserver“

d. “cd filelocation “

e. “bin“

f. “get mod_perl-2.0-current.tar.gz”

g. “quit“

h. “tar –xvzf mod<tab>“

i. “cd mod_perl-2.0.3“

j. “perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=/usr/ports/www/apache22\ EVERYTHING=1“ (apxs source is /usr/local/sbin/apxs)

k. “make && make install“

l. “/usr/local/sbin/apxs –q LIBEXECDIR“ (should be /usr/local/libexec/apache22, so line would be libexec/apache22/

m. add to httpd.conf – LoadModule perl_module results of above/ (at bottom of LoadModule section)

n. “apachectl restart“

8. Install OpenSSH (use defaults on GUI)

a. “cd /usr/ports/security/openssh“

b. “make && make install && reboot“

9. Install rsync: (use defaults on GUI)

a. “cd /usr/ports/net/rsync“

b. “make && make install && reboot“

10. Install Postgresql (use defaults on GUI)

a. “cd /usr/ports/databases/postgresql81-server“

b. “make && make install“

c. Initialize postgresql -- “/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb” (you should see it build the database files needed here, if it doesn’t, then the postgresql install was bad and you need to restart the build process)

d. Configure for OID

i. “vi /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf“

ii. enable oid by changing to yes and unremarking line

e. reboot

11. Install teTex

a. “cd /usr/ports/print/teTeX”

b. “make && make install”

12. Install the required perl modules (At this point I recommend two interfaces into the box. I usually use the terminal and an SSH session. If a module errors out, go to a different screen and force the install before proceeding to the next item. I’ve found the order these modules load seems to matter. You must cd to /root/.cpan/build and find the package directory and cd into it to run the manual make. First run “perl Makefile.PL”, then “make” and finally “make install”)

a. “perl –MCPAN –e shell;”

b. type “no”

c. install MIME::Base64

d. install Digest::MD5

e. install URI

f. install HTML::Tagset

g. install HTML::Parser

h. i /libnet/

i. install (full name of latest version of libnet)

j. install Locale::Country

k. install Net::Whois::Raw

l. install libwww

m. install Bundle::LWP

n. install Business::CreditCard

o. i /MailTools/

p. install (full name of latest version of mailtools)

q. i /TimeDate/

r. Install (full name of latest version of TimeDate)

s. install DateManip

t. install File::CounterFile

u. install FreezeThaw

v. install String::Approx

w. install Text::Template

x. install DBI

y. install DBD::Pg

z. install DBIx::DBSchema

aa. install Net::SSH

bb. install String::ShellQuote

cc. i /IVAN/Net/

dd. install (full name of latest version of NET-SCP)

ee. install HTML::Mason (apache src is /usr/ports/www/apache22)

ff. install Tie::IxHash

gg. install Time::Duration

hh. install HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers

ii. install Storable

jj. install Cache::Cache

kk. install NetAddr::IP

ll. install Chart::Base

mm. install Crypt::PasswdMD5

nn. install Locale::SubCountry

oo. install JavaScript::RPC

pp. install Frontier::RPC2

qq. i /JWIED/Text/

rr. install (full name of latest version of Text-CSV_X)

ss. install Spreadsheet::WriteExcel

tt. install IO::Stringy

uu. install MIME::Tools

vv. install Apache::Session

ww. install HTML::TreeBuilder

xx. install HTML::FormatText

yy. install Test::Inline

zz. install Class::ReturnValue

aaa. install DBIx::SearchBuilder

bbb. install Log::Dispatch

ccc. install Locale::Maketext::Lexicon

ddd. install Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy

eee. install Text::Wrapper

fff. install Time::ParseDate

ggg. install Term::ReadKey

hhh. install Text::Autoformat

iii. install Text::Quoted

jjj. install Regexp::Common

kkk. install HTML::Scrubber

lll. install Tree::Simple

mmm. install JSON

nnn. install GD

ooo. install DateTime::Format::Strptime

ppp. install IPC::Run3

qqq. install Color::Scheme

rrr. install Data::Table

sss. install Lingua::EN::NameParse

ttt. install Lingua::EN::Inflect

uuu. install Apache::DBI

vvv. install HTTP::BrowserDetect

www. “quit”

Setting up a FreeSide server.

1. Get Freeside ready to install - Download the latest freeside tarball to your ftp server

a. “cd /home/ youruserfromstep2a /programs“

b. “ftp yourftpserver“ (log in)

c. “cd filelocation “

d. “bin”

e. “get free<tab>”

f. “get Makefile”

g. “quit”

h. “tar –xvzf free<tab>“

i. “cp Makefile ./freeside/Makefile”

j. “cd free<tab>“

2. adduser freeside (start with “adduser” and answer questions, pwd yourpasswdhere)

3. “mkdir /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside”

4. “chown freeside:www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside”

5. Allow the freeside user full access to the freeside database

a. su pgsql

b. createuser –P freeside

c. set password (yourpasswdhere)

d. not a superuser

e. yes to create database

f. no to create role

6. Add the freeside database

a. su freeside

b. createdb –E sql_ascii freeside

7. Build and install the Perl modules

a. Exit all the way to root

b. make perl-modules

c. make install-perl-modules

8. Create config files: “make create-config”

9. Edit /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf

a. Change user & group to freeside

10. apachectl restart

11. ps –aux (make sure apache now running as freeside)

12. “make install-docs”

13. Edit the httpd.conf for freeside

a. Edit /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf

b. At bottom add “Include etc/apache22/Includes/”

14. Create the database tables and initial data

a. su freeside

b. freeside-setup –d your.domain

15. Create the Freeside system users

a. su freeside

b. freeside-adduser –g 1 fs_queue

c. freeside-adduser –g 1 fs_daily

d. freeside-adduser –g 1 fs_selfservice

16. Correct

a. edit /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/FS/

b. change the call to $htpasswd_file to ‘/usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd’ instead of just ‘htpasswd’ (about line 18)

c. change the system('htpasswd', '-b', @_, to system('/usr/local/sbin/htpasswd', '-b', @_, (about line 130)

17. Create one or more Freeside users

a. su freeside

b. freeside-adduser –g 1 yournewuser

c. htpasswd /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd yournewuser

18. Reboot

19. Get the correct httpd.conf with all the RT info

a. Edit the /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf file

b. Add the following near the end

<Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside>

<Files ~ "\.(cgi|html)">

AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html

PerlHandler HTML::Mason


AuthName freeside

AuthType Basic

AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd

Require valid-user



require "/usr/local/etc/freeside/";


<Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside/rt/NoAuth>

<Limit GET POST>

allow from all

Satisfy Any

SetHandler perl-script

PerlHandler HTML::Mason



<Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside/rt/REST/1.0/NoAuth>

<Limit GET POST>

allow from all

Satisfy any

SetHandler perl-script

PerlHandler HTML::Mason



<DirectoryMatch "^%/usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside/rt/.*NoAuth/images">

SetHandler None


<Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside/rt/Ticket/Attachment>

SetHandler perl-script

PerlHandler HTML::Mason


<Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data/freeside/rt/Search>

SetHandler perl-script

PerlHandler HTML::Mason


c. Immediately after the LoadModules, add

PerlModule HTML::Mason

20. adduser rt (password yourpasswordforrt)

21. cd /home/ youruserfromstep2a /programs/freeside

22. Install & setup RT

a. Make configure-rt

b. Make create-rt

c. Make install-rt

23. Set freeside to run on startup

a. su root

b. make install-init

24. Reboot

25. Log into Freeside

26. Go to Ticketing main

27. Go back to billing main

28. Add employee root

29. reboot

30. log back into freeside as root

31. Go to ticketing main, Configuration, Global, User Rights, Give your uid superuser rights

32. Go back to billing main and disable the root user