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freeside-daily - Run daily billing and invoice collection events.


 freeside-daily [ -d 'date' ] [ -y days ] [ -a agentnum,agentnum,... ] [ -s ] [ -o ] [ -v ] [ -l level ] [ -m ] [ -r ] [ -k ] user [ custnum custnum ... ]


Bills customers and runs invoice collection events. Should be run from crontab daily.

Bills customers. Searches for customers who are due for billing and calls the bill and collect methods of a cust_main object. See FS::cust_main.

 -d: Pretend it's 'date'.  Date is in any format Date::Parse is happy with,
     but be careful.

 -y: In addition to -d, which specifies an absolute date, the -y switch
     specifies an offset, in days.  For example, "-y 15" would increment the
     "pretend date" 15 days from whatever was specified by the -d switch
     (or now, if no -d switch was given).

 -n: When used with "-d" and/or "-y", specifies that invoices should be dated
     with today's date, irregardless of the pretend date used to pre-generate
     the invoices.

 -p: Deprecated, will produce a fatal error (formerly was: Only process customers with the specified payby (CARD, DCRD, CHEK, DCHK, BILL, COMP, LECB))

 -a: Only process customers with the specified agentnum.  Multiple agentnums can be specified, separated with commas.

 -g: Don't process the provided pkgpart (or pkgparts, specified as a comma-
     separated list).

 -s: re-charge setup fees

 -o: For packages which are more than one billing period behind, only charge for one billing period rather than catching up.

 -v: enable debugging

 -l: debugging level

 -m: Multi-process mode uses the job queue for multi-process and/or multi-machine billing.

 -r: Multi-process mode dry run option

 -k: skip notify_flat_delay

user: Typically "fs_daily"

custnum: if one or more customer numbers are specified, only bills those customers. Otherwise, bills all customers.



FS::cust_main, config.html from the base documentation