[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search report_tax.html, 1.8, 1.9 report_tax.cgi, 1.28, 1.29 cust_bill_pkg.cgi, 1.3, 1.4 cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Thu Jan 26 07:27:12 PST 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv31728/httemplate/search

Modified Files:
	report_tax.html report_tax.cgi cust_bill_pkg.cgi 
Added Files:
Log Message:
whew, FINALLY can fix monthly exemption columns to work correctly.  also make them agent-specific.  also fix package exemption columns, they were bunk too, sheesh.  start adding package classes for package class tax reporting.

Index: report_tax.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/report_tax.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- report_tax.html	25 Dec 2005 03:18:21 -0000	1.8
+++ report_tax.html	26 Jan 2006 15:27:10 -0000	1.9
@@ -5,18 +5,36 @@
   <BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
     <H1>Tax Report Criteria</H1>
     <FORM ACTION="report_tax.cgi" METHOD="GET">
      <%= include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html' ) %>
      <%= include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>
-     <TR>
-       <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_taxclasses" VALUE="1"></TD>
-       <TD>Show tax classes</TD>
-     </TR>
-    </TABLE>
-      <BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Report">
+     <% my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+        if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
+     %>
+       <TR>
+         <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_taxclasses" VALUE="1"></TD>
+         <TD>Show tax classes</TD>
+       </TR>
+     <% } %>
+     <% my @pkg_class = qsearch('pkg_class', {});
+        if ( @pkg_class ) {
+     %>
+       <TR>
+         <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_pkgclasses" VALUE="1"></TD>
+         <TD>Show package classes</TD>
+       </TR>
+     <% } %>
+    </TABLE>
+    <BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Report">

Index: report_tax.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -d -r1.28 -r1.29
--- report_tax.cgi	25 Dec 2005 03:41:28 -0000	1.28
+++ report_tax.cgi	26 Jan 2006 15:27:10 -0000	1.29
@@ -7,22 +7,25 @@
 my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
-my $from_join_cust = "
-  FROM cust_bill_pkg
+my $join_cust = "
     JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum ) 
-    JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
+    LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
+my $from_join_cust = "
+    FROM cust_bill_pkg
+    $join_cust
 my $join_pkg = "
-    JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
-    JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
+    LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
+    LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
 my $where = "
   WHERE _date >= $beginning AND _date <= $ending
     AND ( county  = ? OR ? = '' )
     AND ( state   = ? OR ? = '' )
     AND   country = ?
-    AND payby != 'COMP'
+#    AND payby != 'COMP'
 my @base_param = qw( county county state state country );
 my $agentname = '';
@@ -46,8 +49,6 @@
-my $monthly_exempt_warning = 0;
-my $taxclass_flag = 0;
 my($total, $tot_taxable, $owed, $tax) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
 my( $exempt_cust, $exempt_pkg, $exempt_monthly ) = ( 0, 0 );
 my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
@@ -59,17 +60,18 @@
   $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
   $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} = join(';', map "$_=".$r->$_(), qw( county state country ) );
-  my $fromwhere = $from_join_cust. $join_pkg. $where;
   my @param = @base_param;
+  my $mywhere = $where;
   if ( $r->taxclass ) {
-    $fromwhere .= " AND taxclass = ? ";
+    $mywhere .= " AND taxclass = ? ";
     push @param, 'taxclass';
     $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} .= ';taxclass='. $r->taxclass
       if $cgi->param('show_taxclasses');
-    $taxclass_flag = 1;
+  my $fromwhere = $from_join_cust. $join_pkg. $mywhere. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
 #  my $label = getlabel($r);
 #  $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
@@ -83,57 +85,80 @@
   $total += $t;
   $regions{$label}->{'total'} += $t;
-  ## calculate package-exemption for this region
-  foreach my $e ( grep { $r->get($_.'tax') =~ /^Y/i }
-                       qw( cust_bill_pkg.setup cust_bill_pkg.recur ) ) {
-    my $x = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
-      "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax"
-    );
-    $exempt_pkg += $x;
-    $regions{$label}->{'exempt_pkg'} += $x;
-  }
   ## calculate customer-exemption for this region
-  my($taxable, $x_cust) = (0, 0);
-  foreach my $e ( grep { $r->get($_.'tax') !~ /^Y/i }
-                       qw( cust_bill_pkg.setup cust_bill_pkg.recur ) ) {
-    $taxable += scalar_sql($r, \@param, 
-      "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )"
-    );
+##  my $taxable = $t;
-    $x_cust += scalar_sql($r, \@param, 
-      "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y'"
-    );
-  }
+#  my($taxable, $x_cust) = (0, 0);
+#  foreach my $e ( grep { $r->get($_.'tax') !~ /^Y/i }
+#                       qw( cust_bill_pkg.setup cust_bill_pkg.recur ) ) {
+#    $taxable += scalar_sql($r, \@param, 
+#      "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )"
+#    );
+#    $x_cust += scalar_sql($r, \@param, 
+#      "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y'"
+#    );
+#  }
+  my $x_cust = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+    "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur)
+     $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y' "
+  );
   $exempt_cust += $x_cust;
   $regions{$label}->{'exempt_cust'} += $x_cust;
+  ## calculate package-exemption for this region
-  ## calculate monthly exemption (texas tax) for this region
+  my $x_pkg = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+                 ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
+                        THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
+                        ELSE 0
+                   END
+                 )
+                 +
+                 ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
+                        THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
+                        ELSE 0
+                   END
+                 )
+               )
+       $fromwhere
+       AND $nottax
+       AND (
+                ( part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
+             OR ( part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 )
+           )
+       AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )
+    "
+  );
+  $exempt_pkg += $x_pkg;
+  $regions{$label}->{'exempt_pkg'} += $x_pkg;
-  my($sday,$smon,$syear) = (localtime($beginning) )[ 3, 4, 5 ];
-  $monthly_exempt_warning=1 if $sday != 1 && $beginning;
-  $smon++; $syear+=1900;
+  ## calculate monthly exemption (texas tax) for this region
-  my $eending = ( $ending == 4294967295 ) ? time : $ending;
-  my($eday,$emon,$eyear) = (localtime($eending) )[ 3, 4, 5 ];
-  $emon++; $eyear+=1900;
+  # count up all the cust_tax_exempt_pkg records associated with
+  # the actual line items.
-  my $x_monthly = scalar_sql($r, [ 'taxnum' ],
-    "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM cust_tax_exempt where taxnum = ? ".
-    "  AND ( year > $syear OR ( year = $syear and month >= $smon ) )".
-    "  AND ( year < $eyear OR ( year = $eyear and month <= $emon ) )"
+  my $x_monthly = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+    "SELECT SUM(amount)
+       FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg
+       JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum )
+       $join_cust $join_pkg
+     $mywhere"
-  if ( $x_monthly ) {
-    warn $r->taxnum(). ": $x_monthly\n";
-    $taxable -= $x_monthly;
-  }
+#  if ( $x_monthly ) {
+#    #warn $r->taxnum(). ": $x_monthly\n";
+#    $taxable -= $x_monthly;
+#  }
   $exempt_monthly += $x_monthly;
   $regions{$label}->{'exempt_monthly'} += $x_monthly;
+  my $taxable = $t - $x_cust - $x_pkg - $x_monthly;
   $tot_taxable += $taxable;
   $regions{$label}->{'taxable'} += $taxable;
@@ -149,7 +174,7 @@
-my $taxwhere = "$from_join_cust $where";
+my $taxwhere = "$from_join_cust $where AND payby != 'COMP' ";
 my @taxparam = @base_param;
 my %base_regions = ();
 #foreach my $label ( keys %regions ) {
@@ -165,7 +190,7 @@
   my $label = getlabel($r);
-  my $fromwhere = $join_pkg. $where;
+  my $fromwhere = $join_pkg. $where. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
   my @param = @base_param; 
   #match itemdesc if necessary!
@@ -246,7 +271,7 @@
     $label = "$label (". $r->taxclass. ")"
       if $r->taxclass
       && $cgi->param('show_taxclasses')
-      && ! $opt{'no_taxclasses'};
+      && ! $opt{'no_taxclass'};
     #$label = $r->taxname. " ($label)" if $r->taxname;
   return $label;
@@ -266,14 +291,19 @@
-my $baselink = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?begin=$beginning;end=$ending";
+my $dateagentlink = "begin=$beginning;end=$ending";
+$dateagentlink .= ';agentnum='. $cgi->param('agentnum')
+  if length($agentname);
+my $baselink   = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
 <%= header( "$agentname Sales Tax Report - ".
-              time2str('%h %o %Y through ', $beginning ).
+              ( $beginning
+                  ? time2str('%h %o %Y ', $beginning )
+                  : ''
+              ).
+              'through '.
               ( $ending == 4294967295
                   ? 'now'
                   : time2str('%h %o %Y', $ending )
@@ -320,32 +350,36 @@
          $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-       my $link = $baselink;
+       my $link = '';
        if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
          if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-           $link .= ';out=1';
+           $link = ';out=1';
          } else {
-           $link .= ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
+           $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} %></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<%= $link %>;nottax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'total'} ) %></A>
+        <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'total'} ) %></A>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<%= $link %>;nottax=1;cust_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_cust'} ) %></A>
+        <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;cust_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_cust'} ) %></A>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<%= $link %>;nottax=1;pkg_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_pkg'} ) %></A>
+        <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;pkg_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_pkg'} ) %></A>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-        <%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_monthly'} ) %></A>
+        <A HREF="<%= $exemptlink. $link %>"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_monthly'} ) %></A>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
@@ -359,7 +393,7 @@
       <% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) { %>
         <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<%= $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+          <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
       <% } %>
@@ -387,12 +421,12 @@
          $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-       my $link = $baselink;
+       my $link = '';
        #if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
          if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-           $link .= ';out=1';
+           $link = ';out=1';
          } else {
-           $link .= ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
+           $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
@@ -400,7 +434,7 @@
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} %></TD>
       <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<%= $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+        <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
@@ -417,15 +451,6 @@
 <% } %>
-<% if ( $monthly_exempt_warning ) { %>
-  <BR>
-  Partial-month tax reports (except for current month) may not be correct due
-  to month-granularity tax exemption (usually "texas tax").  For an accurate
-  report, start on the first of a month and end on the last day of a month (or
-  leave blank for to now).
-<% } %>

Index: cust_bill_pkg.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- cust_bill_pkg.cgi	25 Dec 2005 03:07:32 -0000	1.3
+++ cust_bill_pkg.cgi	26 Jan 2006 15:27:10 -0000	1.4
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 my $join_cust = "
     JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum ) 
-    JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
+    LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
 my $join_pkg = "
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
     AND payby != 'COMP'
+if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+  $where .= " AND agentnum = $1 ";
 if ( $cgi->param('out') ) {
   $where .= "
@@ -62,19 +66,27 @@
 if ( $cgi->param('pkg_tax') ) {
   $count_query =
-    "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM( ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
-                                 THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
-                                 ELSE 0 )
-                          +
-                          ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
-                                 THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
-                                 ELSE 0 )
-                        )";
+                           ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
+                                  THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
+                                  ELSE 0
+                             END
+                           )
+                           +
+                           ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
+                                  THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
+                                  ELSE 0
+                             END
+                           )
+                         )
+    ";
   $where .= " AND (
                        ( part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
                     OR ( part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 )
-                  )";
+                  )
+              AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )
+            ";
 } else {

--- NEW FILE: cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi ---

my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);

my $join_cust = "
    JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
    LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )

my $join_pkg = "
    LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
    LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )

my $join = "
    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum )

my $where = "
  WHERE _date >= $beginning AND _date <= $ending
#    AND payby != 'COMP'

if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
  $where .= " AND agentnum = $1 ";

if ( $cgi->param('out') ) {

  $where .= "
    AND 0 = (
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county AS county_out
      WHERE (    county_out.county  = cust_main.county
              OR ( county_out.county IS NULL AND cust_main.county  =  '' )
              OR ( county_out.county  =  ''  AND cust_main.county IS NULL)
              OR ( county_out.county IS NULL AND cust_main.county IS NULL)
        AND (    county_out.state   = cust_main.state
              OR ( county_out.state  IS NULL AND cust_main.state  =  ''  )
              OR ( county_out.state   =  ''  AND cust_main.state IS NULL )
              OR ( county_out.state  IS NULL AND cust_main.state IS NULL )
        AND county_out.country = cust_main.country
        AND county_out.tax > 0

} elsif ( $cgi->param('country' ) ) {

  my $county  = dbh->quote( $cgi->param('county')  );
  my $state   = dbh->quote( $cgi->param('state')   );
  my $country = dbh->quote( $cgi->param('country') );
  $where .= "
    AND ( county  = $county OR $county = '' )
    AND ( state   = $state  OR $state = '' )
    AND   country = $country
  $where .= ' AND taxclass = '. dbh->quote( $cgi->param('taxclass') )
    if $cgi->param('taxclass');


my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(amount)".
                  "  FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg $join $where";

my $query = {
  'table'     => 'cust_tax_exempt_pkg',
  'addl_from' => $join,
  'hashref'   => {},
  'select'    => join(', ',
  'extra_sql' => $where,

my $ilink = [ "${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?", 'invnum' ];
my $clink = [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ];

my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';

%><%= include( 'elements/search.html',
                 'title'       => 'Tax exemptions',
                 'name'        => 'tax exemptions',
                 'query'       => $query,
                 'count_query' => $count_query,
                 'count_addl'  => [ $money_char. '%.2f total', ],
                 'header'      => [

                   #'Setup charge',
                   #'Recurring charge',

                 'fields'      => [
                   sub { $_[0]->month. '/'. $_[0]->year; },

                   #sub { $_[0]->pkgnum > 0
                   #        ? $_[0]->get('pkg')
                   #        : $_[0]->get('itemdesc')
                   #    },
                   ##strikethrough or "N/A ($amount)" or something these when
                   ## they're not applicable to pkg_tax search
                   #sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', shift->setup ) },
                   #sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', shift->recur ) },
                   #sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->_date ) },

                 'links'       => [


                   ( map { $clink } FS::UI::Web::cust_header() ),
                 'align' => 'rrr', # 'rlrrrc',

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