Volume Discount, One time charges

Tech Account techy at orac.hq.org
Wed Jul 14 05:42:48 PDT 1999

Is there an easy and obvious way to do volume discounts?
For example, if a user prepays a year of service up front, he/she should
get a 10% discount on the yearly recurring cost.
Also, if a user orders say 5 dialup accounts, I want to discount them.
If they order 6 or 7, I also want to discount.

Speaking of odd cases, if I suspend an account and then unsuspend it,
is there an easy way to reassess the setup fee for that package? or even
assign a generic reinstatement fee? I suspect I probably just have to
take the package away and give it back, but I didn't know if there was
an easier solution.

What is the frequency do exactly?

Thanks for any answers you have.


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