Importing LegacyBillingData with TEMPLATE_cust_main

Tim McCullagh timbo at
Wed Nov 15 22:34:51 PST 2000

Hi Ivan,

Can you please give me a pointer as to what the following statement in the
template_cust_main syntax should be
# map from legacy billing data to pkgpart, maps imported field
# LegacyBillingData to pkgpart.  your names and pkgparts will be different

  '50 Hours Bulk Access'              => 3,                               
  '100 Hours Bulk Access'             => 4,                               

I keep getting the following message when I run the script

Use of uninitialized value at ./imp_cus_main line 160.          
Warning: something's wrong at ./imp_cus_main line 160.          
Illegal or empty (numeric) pkgpart:  at ./imp_cus_main line 161.

where imp_cus_main  is a renamed TEMPLATE_cust_main


I have been through the mailing list, but cannot find where anyone has had a similar question before



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