Almost there, can't load template

Adrian Parker adrian at
Wed Jun 20 08:20:56 PDT 2001

Well I think I've just about got this Freeside thing down, just one obstacle remains.  When using the script I get:

"Software error:
cannot load config file invoice_template at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/ line 24."

I took a look at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/FS/  Not being a programmer I was unable to work out where it's trying to load it from.  At a guess it's the module FS::cust_bill.  I didn't see mention in the instructions, but are you supposed to tell it where the templates are?

I found invoice_template in /home/Installed/freeside-1.3.1/conf/invoice_template

I did the required:

cd FS/
perl Makefile.PL
make install

...I figured that would have taken care of it, but it didn't.

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