SSH issue

Walter Grace wegrace at
Tue Sep 25 08:20:55 PDT 2001

I realize this may be a simple question to everyone, but as I come from the 
mainframe world, Linux, Apache, perl and the rest is new and different to me.

I have managed to learn quite a bit about this environment and have gotten 
everything to work including DNS, EMAIL, Apache, etc.

I have also gotten Freeside to work completely and am now just trying to 
get this last piece to work.

Any advice why I can secure shell into my external machine from the command 
line on my Freeside machine, but get an error when I use fs_signup_server 
doesn't, would be greatly appreciated.

The message I get is "Host key not found from database."
I am logged in as the freeside user and I do not get this message when I 
secure shell from the command line.

 From what I understand, this message is telling me that the authentication 
key is not set up on the external machine, but as I said before I can 
secure shell in from the command line without any problems.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction. 0-)

Walter Grace

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