[freeside] Freeside SUID problem

ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon Apr 1 11:39:46 PST 2002

On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 10:26:03PM -0500, Ron Gage wrote:
> Ok, this one has me stumped...
> I have the scripts all set to being owned by freeside:users.  All .cgi
> scripts are SUID freeside (4755).  /usr/bin/suidperl is owned root:root
> and is a soft link to /usr/bin/suidperl5.6.0.  Various combinations of
> ownerships and SUID bits make no difference...
> My problem, the scripts run but report that they are not running UID
> freeside.  Exact error message (from the error log) is: [Sat Mar 30
> 22:06:11 2002] part_svc.cgi: Not running uid freeside! at
> /hosting/freeside/browse/part_svc.cgi line 57
> Again, the scripts do run.
> What am I doing wrong?

No idea.  Sounds like your perl suid emulation isn't working.  Maybe you
could try testing it with a simple, non-freeside suid script, or try using
suExec or mod_perl instead.

In the future, it would help if you would follow the instrucitons sent to
you when you signed up for the list and send ALL of the information
requested, including the Freeside version you are using.  In this case I
had to guess that you're using 1.3.1.


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