[freeside] Freeside on apache 2 anyone?

Rick Parola rick at rpwebworks.com
Sun Mar 2 21:17:51 PST 2003

On Sunday 02 March 2003 11:12 pm, Arnold Cavazos Jr. wrote:
> It sounds like you need to pass the -i flag to postmaster, or play with
> "tcpip_socket =" in postgresql.conf

I'm really having a hard time researching DBI and postgre answers on the web. 
I do a lot of programming in PHP and use MySql as database and I'm feeling 
like a complete beginner here (I guess I am :-) ).

I'm using an rpm install of postgre an it struck me that I didn't have 
postgresql-perl installed. Is it needed? I ask because it didn't change 
anything :(

I tried to start postmaster with -i (not knowing exactly how, I edited the 
init.d file - I'm sure that's not the way...)

Pointers to the right places along with the flames for my ignorance would be 
appreciated, It just seems way too complicated, I feel like I waisted my 
entire week-end trying to get this going and haven't even learned anything :(

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