[freeside] Missing file Problem

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Thu May 1 12:23:03 PDT 2003

You're are executing index.html with Mason.  RTFM
httemplate/docs/install.html and configure Apache as instructed.


On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 09:14:23AM -0400, Frank Barton wrote:
> That's interesting, becuause I know I ran it (becuase I had answered those questions before), but that did solve that 
> part of the problem. however, now I appear to be having problems with index.html, I'va attached the apache error message (it's a bit long).
> Just to make sure that I wasn't crazy, I re-ran populate-msgcat, it didn't produce any output.
> Thanks In Advance
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 3, near "<TITLE>Freeside"
> 	(Missing operator before Freeside?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 4, near "/TITLE>
>   </HEAD"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 3)
> 	(Missing operator before HEAD?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 10, near "/td><td>
>       <font color="#ff0000" size=7>freeside main menu</font"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 9)
> 	(Missing operator before font?)
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 12, near "version 1.4.1"
> 	(Do you need to predeclare version?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 12, near "1.4.1rc1"
> 	(Missing operator before rc1?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 13, near "<A HREF="http://www.sisd.com/freeside">Freeside"
> 	(Missing operator before Freeside?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 19, near "/A>
>       <BR><A HREF="docs/">Documentation</A>
>     </td></tr>
>   </table>
> <BR>
> [<A NAME=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 14)
> 	(Missing operator before ">Documentation</A>
>     </td></tr>
>   </table>
> <BR>
> [<A NAME="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 19, near "">Documentation</A>
>     </td></tr>
>   </table>
> <BR>
> [<A NAME="customer_service"
> 	(Missing operator before customer_service?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 19, near "customer_service" style=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 19, near "" style="background"
> 	(Missing operator before background?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 20, near "<A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping"
> 	(Missing operator before Bookkeeping?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 21, near "/A> ]
> [ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 20)
> 	(Missing operator before A?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 22, near "<A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin"
> 	(Missing operator before Sysadmin?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 24, near "/A> ]
>     <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Sales / Customer"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 22)
> 	(Missing operator before Customer?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 26, near "/TR>
>     <TR><TD>
>         <BR><FONT SIZE="+1"><A HREF="edit/cust_main"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 24)
> 	(Missing operator before ust_main?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "cgi">New Customer</A></FONT>
>         <BR>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 26)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "">New Customer</A></FONT>
>         <BR>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "POST"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "" NAME="custnum_on"
> 	(Missing operator before custnum_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "custnum_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "1">Customer # <INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before ">Customer # <INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "">Customer # <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "" NAME="custnum_text"
> 	(Missing operator before custnum_text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "custnum_text"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near "Search"> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 28, near ""> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "custnum">all customers by customer number</A></FORM>
>         <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 28)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "">all customers by customer number</A></FORM>
>         <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "POST"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "" NAME="last_on"
> 	(Missing operator before last_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "last_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "1">Last name <INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before ">Last name <INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "">Last name <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "" NAME="last_text"
> 	(Missing operator before last_text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "last_text"><SELECT NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near ""><SELECT NAME="last_type"
> 	(Missing operator before last_type?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "last_type"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near ""><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="All"
> 	(Missing operator before All?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near "Search"> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 29, near ""> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "">all customers by last name</A></FORM>
>         <FORM ACTION="search"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 29)
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "POST"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "" NAME="company_on"
> 	(Missing operator before company_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "company_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "1">Company <INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before ">Company <INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "">Company <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "" NAME="company_text"
> 	(Missing operator before company_text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "company_text"><SELECT NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near ""><SELECT NAME="company_type"
> 	(Missing operator before company_type?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "company_type"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near ""><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="All"
> 	(Missing operator before All?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near "Search"> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 30, near ""> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "company">all customers by company</A></FORM>
> <!--        <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 30)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "">all customers by company</A></FORM>
> <!--        <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "POST"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "" NAME="address2_on"
> 	(Missing operator before address2_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "address2_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "1">Unit <INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before ">Unit <INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "">Unit <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "" NAME="address2_text"
> 	(Missing operator before address2_text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "address2_text"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 31, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "Search"></FORM>-->
>         <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 31)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near ""></FORM>-->
>         <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "POST"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "" NAME="phone_on"
> 	(Missing operator before phone_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "phone_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "1">Phone # <INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before ">Phone # <INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "">Phone # <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "" NAME="phone_text"
> 	(Missing operator before phone_text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "phone_text"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 32, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "Search"></FORM>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 32)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near ""></FORM>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "POST">Username <INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "">Username <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "" NAME="username"
> 	(Missing operator before username?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "username"><SELECT NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near ""><SELECT NAME="username_type"
> 	(Missing operator before username_type?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "username_type"><OPTION VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near ""><OPTION VALUE="All"
> 	(Missing operator before All?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy</OPTION><OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION SELECTED>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy</OPTION><OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION SELECTED>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "Search"> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near ""> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "username">all accounts by username</A> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 33, near "">all accounts by username</A> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "uid">uid</A></FORM>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 33)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "">uid</A></FORM>
>         <BR><FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "POST">Domain <INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "">Domain <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "" NAME="domain"
> 	(Missing operator before domain?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "domain"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near "Search"> or <A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 34, near ""> or <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 35, near "domain">all domains</A></FORM>
> <!--        <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 34)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 35, near "">all domains</A></FORM>
> <!--        <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 36, near "html">mail aliases (by domain, and optionally username)</A>-->
> <!--        <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 35)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 36, near "">mail aliases (by domain, and optionally username)</A>-->
> <!--        <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 46, near "html">mail forwards (by ?)</A>-->
>       <BR>
>     </TD></TR>
>     </TABLE>
>     <BR><BR><BR>
> [ <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 36)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 47, near "<A NAME="bookkeeping" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Bookkeeping"
> 	(Missing operator before Bookkeeping?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 48, near "/A>]
> [ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 47)
> 	(Missing operator before A?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 49, near "<A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin"
> 	(Missing operator before Sysadmin?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 51, near "/A> ]
>     <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Bookkeeping / Collections"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 49)
> 	(Missing operator before Collections?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 51, near "/TH></TR"
> 	(Missing operator before TR?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "/A>
>       <BR>
>       <BR><FORM ACTION="search/cust_main"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 53)
> 	(Missing operator before ust_main?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "POST">Credit card # <INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "">Credit card # <INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "" NAME="card_on"
> 	(Missing operator before card_on?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "card_on" VALUE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "" VALUE="1"
> 	(Missing operator before 1?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "1"><INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before "><INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near ""><INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "" NAME="card"
> 	(Missing operator before card?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "card"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 55, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "Search"></FORM>
>       <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 55)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near ""></FORM>
>       <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "POST">Invoice # <INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "">Invoice # <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "" NAME="invnum"
> 	(Missing operator before invnum?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "invnum" SIZE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "" SIZE="8"
> 	(Missing operator before 8?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "8"><INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before "><INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 56, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "Search"></FORM>
>       <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 56)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near ""></FORM>
>       <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "POST">Check # <INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "">Check # <INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" NAME="payinfo"
> 	(Missing operator before payinfo?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "payinfo" SIZE=""
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" SIZE="8"
> 	(Missing operator before 8?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "8"><INPUT TYPE=""
> 	(Missing operator before "><INPUT TYPE="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near ""><INPUT TYPE="hidden"
> 	(Missing operator before hidden?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "hidden" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" NAME="payby"
> 	(Missing operator before payby?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "payby" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" VALUE="BILL"
> 	(Missing operator before BILL?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "BILL"><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near ""><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 57, near "" VALUE="Search"
> 	(Missing operator before Search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 58, near "Search"></FORM>
>       <BR><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 57)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 58, near ""></FORM>
>       <BR><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 58, near "cgi">View pending credit card batch</A>      <BR><BR><A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 58, near "">View pending credit card batch</A>      <BR><BR><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 61, near "html">Packages (by next bill date range)</A>
>       <BR><BR>Invoice reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI><a href=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 58)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 61, near "">Packages (by next bill date range)</A>
>       <BR><BR>Invoice reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI><a href="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "html">Invoice event errors (failed credit cards)</a>
>               <LI>open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 61)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "">Invoice event errors (failed credit cards)</a>
>               <LI>open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "OPEN_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "OPEN_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 62, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "OPEN_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>30 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 62)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>30 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "OPEN30_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "OPEN30_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 63, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "OPEN30_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>60 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 63)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>60 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "OPEN60_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "OPEN60_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 64, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "OPEN60_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>90 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 64)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>90 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "OPEN90_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "OPEN90_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 65, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "OPEN90_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>120 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 65)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>120 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "OPEN120_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "OPEN120_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 66, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "OPEN120_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>all invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 66)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "">by customer number</A>)
>               <LI>all invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 67, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 71, near "custnum">by customer number</A>)
>             </UL>
>       Financial reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 67)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 71, near "">by customer number</A>)
>             </UL>
>       Financial reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 72, near "cgi">current receivables</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 71)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 72, near "">current receivables</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 73, near "html">tax reports</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 72)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 73, near "">tax reports</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 74, near "html">credit card receipts</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 73)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 74, near "">credit card receipts</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 76, near "html">credit memos</A>
>             </UL>
>       <CENTER><HR WIDTH=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 74)
> Number found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 76, near "">credit memos</A>
>             </UL>
>       <CENTER><HR WIDTH="94"
> 	(Missing operator before 94?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 77, near "" NOSHADE></CENTER><BR>
>       <A NAME="admin"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 76)
> 	(Missing operator before admin?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 79, near "admin">Administration</a>
>         <ul>
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 77)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 79, near "">Administration</a>
>         <ul>
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 83, at end of line
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 79)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 83, near "browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 86, near "cgi">View/Edit agent types</A>
>             - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
>               then assign to particular agents.
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 83)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 86, near "">View/Edit agent types</A>
>             - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
>               then assign to particular agents.
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 90, near "cgi">View/Edit agents</A>
>             - Agents are resellers of your service.  Agents may be limited
>               to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
> -->
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 86)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 90, near "">View/Edit agents</A>
>             - Agents are resellers of your service.  Agents may be limited
>               to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
> -->
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 93, at end of line
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 90)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 93, near "browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 105, near "cgi">View/Edit invoice events</A> - Actions for overdue invoices
>         </ul>
>       <BR>
>     </TD></TR>
>     </TABLE>
>     <BR><BR><BR>
> [ <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 93)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 106, near "<A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping"
> 	(Missing operator before Bookkeeping?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 107, near "/A> ]
> [<A NAME="reports" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Reports </A"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 106)
> 	(Missing operator before A?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 108, near "<A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin"
> 	(Missing operator before Sysadmin?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 110, near "/A> ]
>     <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Reports</TH"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 108)
> 	(Missing operator before TH?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 113, near "no customer record"
> 	(Do you need to predeclare no?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 115, near "<LI>unlinked"
> 	(Missing operator before unlinked?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 115, near "<A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_svcnum">by"
> 	(Missing operator before by?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 115, near "/A>) (<A HREF="search/svc_acct"
> 	(Missing operator before vc_acct?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 115, near "UN_username">by username</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 115, near "">by username</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 116, near "UN_uid">by uid</A>)
>         <LI>unlinked mail forwards (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 115)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 116, near "">by uid</A>)
>         <LI>unlinked mail forwards (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 117, near "UN_svcnum">by service number</A>) (by ?))
>         <LI>unlinked domains (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 116)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 117, near "">by service number</A>) (by ?))
>         <LI>unlinked domains (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 117, near "UN_svcnum">by service number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 117, near "">by service number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 121, near "UN_domain">by domain</A>)
>       </UL>
>       Packages
>       <UL>
>         <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 117)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 121, near "">by domain</A>)
>       </UL>
>       Packages
>       <UL>
>         <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 122, near "pkgnum">all packages (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 121)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 122, near "">all packages (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 123, near "SUSP_pkgnum">suspended packages (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 122)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 123, near "">suspended packages (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 124, near "APKG_pkgnum">packages with unconfigured services (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 123)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 124, near "">packages with unconfigured services (by package number)</A>
>         <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 128, near "html">packages (by next bill date range)</A>
>       </UL>
>       Invoices
>       <UL>
>         <LI><a href=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 124)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 128, near "">packages (by next bill date range)</A>
>       </UL>
>       Invoices
>       <UL>
>         <LI><a href="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "html">Invoice event errors (failed credit cards)</a>
>         <LI>open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 128)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "">Invoice event errors (failed credit cards)</a>
>         <LI>open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "OPEN_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "OPEN_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 129, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "OPEN_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>30 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 129)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>30 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "OPEN30_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "OPEN30_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 130, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "OPEN30_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>60 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 130)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>60 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "OPEN60_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "OPEN60_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 131, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "OPEN60_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>90 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 131)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>90 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "OPEN90_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "OPEN90_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 132, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "OPEN90_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>120 day open invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 132)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>120 day open invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "OPEN120_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "OPEN120_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 133, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "OPEN120_custnum">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>all invoices (<A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 133)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "">by customer number</A>)
>         <LI>all invoices (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "date">by date</A>) (<A HREF=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 134, near "">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 138, near "custnum">by customer number</A>)
>       </UL>
>     Financial reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 134)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 138, near "">by customer number</A>)
>       </UL>
>     Financial reports
>             <UL>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 139, near "cgi">current receivables</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 138)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 139, near "">current receivables</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 140, near "html">tax reports</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 139)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 140, near "">tax reports</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 141, near "html">credit card receipts</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 140)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 141, near "">credit card receipts</A>
>               <LI> <A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 145, near "html">credit memos</A>
>             </UL>
>     Customers
>       <UL>
>         <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 141)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 145, near "">credit memos</A>
>             </UL>
>     Customers
>       <UL>
>         <LI><A HREF="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "cgi">Search customers by order-taker</A>
>       </UL>
>     <FORM ACTION=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 145)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "">Search customers by order-taker</A>
>       </UL>
>     <FORM ACTION="search"
> 	(Missing operator before search?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "cgi" METHOD=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "" METHOD="POST"
> 	(Missing operator before POST?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "POST">SQL query: <TT>SELECT </TT><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "">SQL query: <TT>SELECT </TT><INPUT TYPE="text"
> 	(Missing operator before text?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "text" NAME=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "" NAME="sql"
> 	(Missing operator before sql?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "sql" SIZE=32><INPUT TYPE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "" SIZE=32><INPUT TYPE="submit"
> 	(Missing operator before submit?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "submit" VALUE=""
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 147, near "" VALUE="Query"
> 	(Missing operator before Query?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 158, near "Query"></FORM>
>     <BR>
>     </TD></TR>
>     </TABLE>
>     <BR><BR><BR>
> [ <A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 147)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 159, near "<A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping"
> 	(Missing operator before Bookkeeping?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 160, near "/A> ]
> [ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 159)
> 	(Missing operator before A?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 161, near "<A NAME="sysadmin" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Sysadmin"
> 	(Missing operator before Sysadmin?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 163, near "/A>]
>     <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Sysadmin</TH"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 161)
> 	(Missing operator before TH?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 166, near "<A HREF="browse/nas.cgi">View"
> 	(Missing operator before View?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 167, near "<A HREF="browse/queue.cgi">View"
> 	(Missing operator before View?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 168, near "<A HREF="misc/cust_main-import.cgi">Batch"
> 	(Missing operator before Batch?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 169, near "<A HREF="misc/cust_main-import_charges.cgi">Batch"
> 	(Missing operator before Batch?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 171, near "/CENTER><BR>
>       <A NAME="config" HREF="config/config"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 170)
> 	(Missing operator before nfig?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 171, near "cgi">Configuration</a><!-- - <font size=""
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 171, near "2" color=""
> 	(Missing operator before " color="?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 174, near "/a>
>         <ul>
>           <LI><A HREF="browse/part_export"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 172)
> 	(Missing operator before part_export?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 176, near "cgi">View/Edit exports</A>
>             - Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs.
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 174)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 176, near "">View/Edit exports</A>
>             - Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs.
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 178, near "cgi">View/Edit service definitions</A>
>             - Services are items you offer to your customers.
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 176)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 178, near "">View/Edit service definitions</A>
>             - Services are items you offer to your customers.
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 182, at end of line
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 178)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 182, near "browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 185, near "cgi">View/Edit agent types</A>
>             - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
>               then assign to particular agents.
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 182)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 185, near "">View/Edit agent types</A>
>             - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
>               then assign to particular agents.
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 188, near "cgi">View/Edit agents</A>
>             - Agents are resellers of your service.  Agents may be limited
>               to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 185)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 188, near "">View/Edit agents</A>
>             - Agents are resellers of your service.  Agents may be limited
>               to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 191, near "cgi">View/Edit advertising sources</A>
>             - Where a customer heard about your service.  Tracked for
>               informational purposes.
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 188)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 191, near "">View/Edit advertising sources</A>
>             - Where a customer heard about your service.  Tracked for
>               informational purposes.
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 194, at end of line
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 191)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 194, near "browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 196, near "cgi">View/Edit Access Numbers</A>
>             - Points of Presence 
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 194)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 196, near "">View/Edit Access Numbers</A>
>             - Points of Presence 
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 197, near "cgi">View/Edit invoice events</A> - Actions for overdue invoices
>           <LI><A HREF=""
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 196)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 197, near "">View/Edit invoice events</A> - Actions for overdue invoices
>           <LI><A HREF="browse"
> 	(Missing operator before browse?)
> String found where operator expected at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 197, at end of line
> [Thu May  1 09:08:00 2003] [error] Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at /opt/freeside/freeside-mason/index.html line 197.


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