[freeside] Adding realm to end of username in radius export

ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Sun May 11 14:30:32 PDT 2003

Using or modifying the sqlradius export to do that is not a good idea
as it would break the username duplicate checking.

The correct solution would be to add an sqlradius_withdomain export that
did what you're looking for (possibly with options like the old
username_policy).  sqlradius_withdomain would be a subclass of the
current sqlradius, but without the "nodomain" flag set in the export

As always, patches are appriciated.


On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 02:20:44PM -0700, Joseph Tanner wrote:
> Hello, I've been trying to get usernames exported to
> my freeradius mysql database in the format of
> "username at domain.com" instead of just "username". 
> I've tried editing the sqlradius.pm file and was
> successful in getting it to work when running the
> freeside-sqlradius-reset command, however it does not
> work with the normal export (still comes out as
> username instead of username at domain.com).  I've
> searched for the answer already (that's why I fiddled
> with sqlradius.pm) but I'm just not getting it right. 
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Here's the required info.  Version is 1.4.1rc2, using
> HTML::Mason (with the 1.0x handler), all needed
> software is installed (as the software does work as
> intended), OS is a mix between Mandrake 9.0 and 9.1
> (most everything but the kernel has been upgraded to
> the 9.1 version), Postgresql is ver7.3, DBI and DBD
> are the newest versions available.
> Thanks for any help!
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