[freeside] Export to Freeradius MySQL database

Shivkumar shivkumar at outbackwifi.com
Mon Apr 4 03:23:22 PDT 2005

I have the following setup:
a)freeside server:
debian sarge/testing kernel 2.4.27-1
freeside v1.5.0 pre6
b) freeRADIUS server:
debian sarge/testing kernel 2.4.27-1

freeside is compiled and ready to go:
I am able to login into the freeside server and create exports,service 
definitions, customers, packages etc.
when i enable the exports to the RADIUS server which has a MySQL 
backend, i get the following error upon account provisioning or even 
when i run freeside-sqlradius-reset username:
install_driver(Mysql) failed: Can't locate DBD/Mysql.pm in @INC (@INC 
contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at eval 78) line 3.
Perhaps the DBD::Mysql perl module hasn't been fully installed,
or perhaps the capitalisation of 'Mysql' isn't right.
Available drivers: DBM. ExampleP, File, Pg, Proxy, Sponge, mysql.
  at /usr/local/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset line 33

before you all gently remind me that i have to install the DBD::mysql 
driver, let me bring to your notice that its already installed. 
Strangely the system is looking for the DBD::Mysql driver whcih doesnt 
seem to exist.
and yes, my freeradIUS install is ok. I am able to authenticate users 
using m0n0wall and freeRADIUS with the mysql backend.

any ideas?


IT Global Solutions

Scott Edwards wrote:

>On 04 Mar 2005 13:01:33 +0200, Admore Nyamaka <admore at adept.co.zw> wrote:
>>l am using freeside-1.5.0pre6 with PosgresQL8.0.1 on RedHat9, and l have
>>set up and export to RADIUS (freeRadius) MySQL database. The exporting
>>is running fine, but l need my passwordsd to be plain text in RADIUS.
>>Freeside encrypts the passwords in its own database, and l am wondering
>>how l can have the de-crypting before exporting.
>>And, what l am l to do if l am loosing my configurations of freeside. l
>>mean unable to over-ride the new configurations
>It sounds like you're using the wrong settings.
>I'm using freeside-1.4.1 and freeradius 1.0.1.
>Freeradius exports are using sqlradius_withdomain
>Dialup accounts that use those are svc_acct.
>Users login with username at example.com
>What export type are you using?  I assume you realise you won't be
>doing CHAP authentication if the passwords are stored encrypted (eg,
>like /etc/shadow uses)
>Thank you,
>Scott Edwards
>Daxal Communications - http://www.daxal.com
>Surf the USA - http://www.surfthe.us

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