[freeside-users] Failing to create database on FreeBSD 1.7 install

Ivan Kohler ivan at sisd.com
Sat Feb 2 18:12:03 PST 2008

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 12:00:03AM -0800, Gerard J. Cerchio wrote:
> I could not get MySQL, my preferred DB, to work for the life of me.  
> freeside-setup kept on declaring SQL syntax errors in all sorts of  
> configurations

The documentation fairly clearly indicates that 1.7.3 is required for 
MySQL support.

> The Mail:::Internet 2.02 is missing a method, sorry I did not note its  
> name (php something or other) backdating to version 1.77,  dated May of  
> last year provided the missing method.

Editing the wiki and putting "verison 1.77" next to MailTools is about 
the least-useful response I can think of to encountering a problem like 

Please report the problem with MailTools, including the verison number 
and the *exact error message received*.  "php something or other" is, 
obviously, pretty much a completely useless error report.

> If I posted all the version information that I tried it would have only  
> confused the issue; VM's make so easy to try and try and try....

If you are not going to post all the version information requested when 
posting a problem to the mailing list, then DO NOT POST TO THE MAILING 
LIST.  PERIOD.  You can try the forum if you don't want to play by the 
rules here.  

"VM's make so easy to try and try and try" is a very poor excuse for not 
reporting the requested verison information.  Reproduce the error and 
then report exact the verisons when the error occurs.

> I was rather disappointed that the VM appliance was purged to the point  
> of not being able to do a simple "cpan install   
> Business::OnlinePayment::TCLink" to get a working system.

"aptitude install libbusiness-onlinepayment-tclink-perl" works fine.

"cpan" also works fine, if you care to set it up.

The appliance was not "purged", eliminating a working "cpan" command; 
the "cpan" command was simply never initialized as the appliance 
installs all software from packages.

> This crippled VM appliance is the reason I took my name off the 
> consulting list.

The VM appliance is not "crippled", just because you are unfamiliar with 
the OS or because the manual CPAN shell is not pre-initialized.

> I wonder if you would find it in your heart to provide a VM appliance  
> that could do just simple CC transactions in the next iteration? You can  
> leave out RADIUS, provisioning, RT and Customer self serve. Just a  
> little VM that us tiny community ISP's can db dump into so we do not get  
> so far behind the latest and greatest.

The appliance can do CC transactions.

If you would find better instructions indicating this, or other changes 
to the appliance useful for yourself and other tiny community ISP's, by 
all means, you are welcome to join our community by contributing the 
work toward that goal.

Take care.


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