[freeside-users] Altering paymask?

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Mon Oct 22 13:23:24 PDT 2012


We're looking to set the paymask to a more restrictive setting.  In the config page (and in a few places in the source) there's a warning:

"Note: You should manually remove stored paymasks if you change this value on an existing database, to avoid problems using stored cards."

I can certainly do that, I assume I just set all "paymask" fields to NULL in cust_main, but can I get confirmation that the instructions are correct?  Does the history table (h_cust_main) need to be updated as well?  Does fs-daily re-populate this field later?

Oddly enough, on a test customer I still see their masked cc info in the web interface after setting it to NULL in the db.  Should I assume the mask is applied when the customer info page is accessed?



Charles Sprickman
Bway.net - New York's Best Internet www.bway.net
spork at bway.net - 212.982.9800

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